
Carroll County Census Records

1830 & 1840 Federal Censuses of Carroll County, Georgia


Carroll County Genealogical Society, 1998


1830 abstracts show head of household, number of free white males and females in age categories; number of slaves; categories for deaf, dumb, and blind; town or district.

1840 abstracts show Rev. War Pensioners; number engaged in mining, agriculture, commerce, etc. number in school, number in family over 21 who cannot read and write; number of insane.

Price: $3.00
1850 Carroll County, Georgia Census


Carroll County Genealogical Society, 1997


Abstracts of all names in family, age, sex, color, occupation, real estate value; birth state or country; whether married with year; whether deaf, dumb, blind, etc. town or district of residence. Reprint

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1860 Carroll County, Georgia Census


Carroll County Genealogical Society, 1991


Abstracts of families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; color; age; sex; profession or occupation; place of birth; value of real estate; value of personal estate; persons over 20 who cannot read or write; whether deaf or dumb, blind, insane, etc. Reprint

1870 Carroll County, Georgia Census


Carroll County Genealogical Society, 1986


Abstracts, dwelling and families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; age; sex; color; profession, occupation; value of real estate; value of personal estate; if born with the year, states month; whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane, etc.

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1880 Carroll County, Georgia Census


Carroll County Genealogical Society, 1990


Abstracts of families numbered in order of visitation; name of each person; Civil Condition (single, married, widowed, divorced); color; sex; age; relationship of each person to head; profession, occupation; place of birth; place of birth of father; place of birth of mother; literacy.

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Deed Book Abstracts

Carroll County, Georgia, Abstract of Deed Book A and B, 1827-1836, Vol I.


Mary Florence Arthur Word(1992)


Carroll County land was distributed in a land lottery held in Milledgeville, Georgia, in 1827. The lottery records are the original deed records for land in Carroll County. Contains county map showing land districts; abstracts of deed transactions, and a full-name index. Softback.

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Carroll County, Georgia, Abstract of Deed Book C and D, 1836-1843, Vol. II.


Mary Florence Arthur Word (1993)


Maps of Carroll County, Carrollton, original Carroll County land lots, Carroll County land lots, abstracts of deed transactions, and a full-name index. Softback.

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Carroll County, Georgia, Abstract of Deed Book E, F, and G, 1843-1855, Vol. III.


Mary Florence Arthur Word(1996)


Maps of original Carroll County, original plan of Carrollton. Carroll County 1830, Carroll County 1996, abstracts of deed transactions, and a full-name index. Softback.

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Carroll County, Georgia, Cemeteries:


Carroll County Genealogical Society, with assistance of grant from R. J. Taylor Foundation.
Vol. 1, 2005. Vol. 2, 2006


Table of Contents, page 1

Carroll County Cemetery Book, Volume 1 Table of Contents, page 1

Table of Contents - page 2

Carroll County Cemetery Book, Volume 1 – Table of Contents, page 2

Table of Contents - page 3

Carroll County Cemetery Book, Volume 1 – Table of Contents, page 3

Locating land districts

Carroll County Cemetery Book, Volume 1 – Locating land districts

Carroll County, Georgia, Cemeteries:


Carroll County Genealogical Society, with assistance of grant from R. J. Taylor Foundation.
Vol. 1, 2005. Vol. 2, copyright 2006.


Every known cemetery in the county was surveyed, showing land districts, land lot numbers, name of cemetery, GPS coordinates, and transcription of cemetery markers. Full-name index.

Please note that Volume 2, Land Districts 2,3,4,5, and 6 (Eastern Section)  is SOLD OUT but we have numerous copies of Volume 1 now on sale.


Volume 1, Land Districts 7,8,9,10, and 11 (Western Section) – Please refer to the thumbnails above to see a listing of content.



Known Confederate Burials, Carroll County, Georgia, 1861-1945


Published by Carroll County Genealogical Society; compiled by members of McDaniel-Curtis Camp 165, Sons of Confederate Veterans


Compiled list of known graves of Confederate veterans . A county map shows location of land districts. Full-name index.

No longer available in print but is available on the Digital Library of Georgia website and through the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Georgia division website.

Please do not order.




Index to Marriage Licenses, Carroll County, Georgia


Jenny Martin Fagg, compiler


Names in each volume are listed in alphabetical order; shows date of marriage, book number, page number, and race.


Groom, Vol. I

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Bride, Vol. II

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Carroll County, Georgia, Souvenir-Historical Edition


First edition 1910 Veterans of McDaniel (Curtis Camp) and Annie wheeler Chapter UDC. Reprinted by Carroll County Genealogical Society 1988, 2007, and 2010


This was originally published to raise money to purchase and erect a monument to the Confederate Veterans. Includes short history of Annie Wheeler Chapter, UDC; early officials of Carroll County; history of Carroll County; public school system; muster rolls; many pictures, and is fully indexed. Reprint

Georgia’s Last Frontier: The Development of Carroll County


James C. Bonner. Reprinted in 1991 by the Carroll County Genealogical Society


A study that includes the entire area of the original county of Carroll. The author has made an effort to make this story more than one of local interest exclusively; he presents the story within the broad framework of state and regional history and includes a full spectrum of social, political, and economic aspects.

The Carroll County Story as told by the People


Originally published by the Carroll County Sesquicentennial-Bicentennial Committee, 1976. Reprinted by the Carroll County Genealogical Society 2009


This volume is of, by, and for the people of Carroll County. It is unique in that the people of the county were asked to talk of their own traditions and beginnings, and to write a bit of it down to go into a souvenir book. Includes historic sites, schools, churches, and communities. Reprint

We are out of hardback copies, but paperback copies are still available.

$12.50 Hardback

$10.00 Softback