
Membership Benefits

Membership BenefitsThe Carroll County (Georgia) Genealogical Society members are scattered throughout the United States. Their common bond is learning more about their ancestors who, at one time, passed through this area. One of the benefits of membership in CCGS is access to the many published records in our past quarterly journals that are currently being put online.  Read more

Join the Society

Join the SocietyJoining the Carroll County Genealogical Society is easy and affordable. Annual membership dues are $25 per calendar year, payable by check or through PayPal.   Membership applications received after September 1 of any given year will be applied to the following calendar year.  Whether you join in January or before September 1, you will receive all of the quarterly journals for that year.

Renewals are due by December 31, and membership is considered lapsed if not paid by that date.  Missed quarterlies will not be mailed to late renewals.  Access to “Members Only” section is restricted to current members only.

Membership Application