We hope you are taking advantage of our Obituary Indexing Project. Here are some easy guidelines to help you get started.  If you are a member of the society go ahead and log in now. If you are not a member, don’t worry – you can still search the obituary database and see your results (but not the images).

From the left side of the screen click on Obituary Index. This will take you to a screen where you can read about the project, consider an option to join the society or subscribe to the index for 30 days, and start your search.

I searched for my grandmother’s maiden name, McBurnett, and came up with 13 hits, including the primary name, spouse, date of death, and residence at time of death. By clicking on one of the names, it will take you to a screen showing only that one person, with a message that To view obituary images subscribe now or login. Members and non-members alike have access to all information up to this point. However, only members or 30-day subscribers will be able to continue and view the actual image of the obituary.

If you choose to print the image, remember to record the necessary information showing newspaper name, date of paper, where located in the library, reel number, etc., as this information will not show up on the printed image.

To search for a second name, click on the Obituary Index again, and proceed with your search.

The Georgia Genealogical Society published an article about the project in their Spring 2017 issue. A copy is available at Neva Lomason Library in Carrollton or members of Georgia Genealogical Society can read it online at