Our quarterlies throughout the years have been chock full of interesting tidbits about Carroll County.

For example, in the CCGS Summer 2017 Quarterly, the Carroll County Times newspaper abstracts and the 1884 Merchant’s Ledger abstracts tell you what’s going on in life around Carroll County. The merchant’s ledger especially records who was living in the area at that time; what they bought gives us a good idea of their  lifestyle. The 1855 Tax Digests also give us an account of who owns land, and a hint at their age.

George Wheeless provided us with short biographies of several of Carroll County’s Revolutionary War veterans. Is your relative listed?

If you wish to see what has previously been published, check out the “Combined List of Table of Contents from CCGS Quarterlies 2007-2011.” This lists, by subject, all published articles for that five-year span. The next list will cover 2012-2016; earlier lists have also been published.

Our quarterlies are available for research at Neva Lomason Library in Carrollton. Don’t pass up this valuable resource.